
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I Wanna Be A Photographer

Well it's been this dream of mine to always become a photographer, and wish granted, I am getting a new camera soon! My old one broke, and it was only a small digital one anyway. But this one is going to be legit! It's going to be....more than a small digital camera hahaha. I am SO excited! I'll post of few of my photos (before the camera) and when I get the new one, more pictures will be posted!

The Shoulder

So on August 28th 2010 I had a tragic accident! I fractured my Left Acromion tubing at Flaming Gorge with an array of people (bad idea to begin with haha). So we were behind my dad's boat (we being me and Sammie Murray on one tube, Jacque and Jana Wall on another tube, and my brother Danny on his own tube) when we hit this huge wave, causing Jana to fly off her tube and slam right into my poor left shoulder. I was in the water SCREAMING for Sammie to hold me so I'd stop freaking out, because I was in so much pain, and also trying to make sure Jana was okay hahaha. Well now I am in a brace with about a month recovery and I can't lift my arm at all. But at least that's the worst that happened and no one else was injured